Wednesday, December 9, 2009


In my current project, I am using Quest Migration Manager tool to perform AD and EX migrations.  I was getting the following error message in the Calendar Sync agent log file and Calendar synchronization wasn’t working:

CSession::Logon Error –2147221231 The information store could not be opened. - MAPI_E_LOGON_FAILED (MAPI 1.0)  Low level error: 0x0 File: 'aeWrapHelpers.h' Line: '279'

According to the Quest documentation, it is due the firewall issue or the source and target Exchange servers cannot communicate over MAPI protocol.  Anyway in our case it was due the NetBIOS name resolution.   Once we corrected the name resolution issue, the Calendar Sync started working.


CSession::Logon Error –2147221231 The information store could not be opened. - MAPI_E_LOGON_FAILED (MAPI 1.0) Low level error: 0x0 File: 'aeWrapHelpers.h' Line: '279'

We are facing same issue in Target mail agent log. Due to which mailbox synchronization is failing.

Not sure what is causing the issue, whilst the account we use is having proper permission on source and target exchange org. On Org level we have applied Org admin.

any input/suggestion/advice is much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


Make sure you can open this mailbox using MAPI protocol. You can use one of the following tools to verify MAPI connectivity:

Run the tool from your QMM server.

today I have used a MAPI MFCMAPI editor, I am able to access the mail box without any issues

today I have used a MAPI MFCMAPI editor, I am able to access the mail box without any issues. But through QMM server it is logging cannot access the mailbox asdescribed earlier

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