Here is a script which you can use to uninstall Symantec Antivirus client and install Microsoft Forefront Client Security.
In this script you will see functions for removing Symantec passwords, uninstalling Symantec Antivirus, uninstalling Symantec Endpoint and installing FCS.
Usage: Rename the file with .vbs extension and run it as a startup/shutdown GPO.
What would be the script to remove ForeFront Client
Here you go..
Do you have a script to remove officescan and install fcs
You can use the same script. Update the
if (sName = "Symantec AntiVirus")
statement with correct software name.
Hi Santhosh,
Please can you help me with a script to bulk uninstall MOM 2005?
Eu ouvi sobre uma excelente ferramenta, que pode inclusive lutar e com vírus. pode vale a pena tentar. Eu ouvi excelentes comentários sobre este medicamento, acho que ele é muito eficaz. Pessoalmente, eu vou tentar
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